Many people suffer the effects of scars created from teenage acne. These effects can range from small, red or brown discolouration, to actual divots left in the skin. These are sometimes referred to as ice pick scars. Once these scars appear there is nothing that will make them completely disappear and restore the skin to its former smoothness. So don’t let anyone tell you that microdermabrasion or a skin cream will fix you.
However, there are some treatments that will help soften the look of acne scars by resurfacing the skin.
One of the best options on the market right now is the Halo Laser. Halo utilizes cutting-edge dual wave laser technology that safely and effectively minimizes the appearance of acne scars virtually anywhere on the body. With minimal downtime and fewer sessions, the Halo Laser combines ablative and non-ablative wavelengths that deliver energy to the same microscopic treatment zone.
This targets both the superficial and deep layers of the skin simultaneously, triggering the body’s natural immune response and stimulating the production of new collagen. This influx of collagen actively reduces the appearance of acne scars in the newly treated area. In just 3 treatments, Halo will leave you with smoother, healthier looking skin for years to come.
Why is the treatment preferred over the ablative co2 lasers?
A Halo treatment combines both ablative and non-ablative technologies in a personalized procedure. With Halo, both the surface and deeper levels of your skin are improved for maximum results. As gentle as it is powerful, this laser skin treatment minimizes downtime and recovery.
What about the risks?
With all lasers, darker skin types are the most difficult to treat. They run a much higher risk of PIH or Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation. To get the results the patient is hoping for and still be safe, a darker skin type will need to be treated more conservatively, so lower settings and more treatments, more like 6-8.
When is a good time?
Now! When the sun is low in the sky and you aren’t tempted to hang out in it. No matter what, you will still be applying your SPF 50 to be safe and wearing a hat until your skin is completely healed.
This may seem like a lot of hassle, but for someone who has spent many years wishing they could smooth out their acne scars, it’s a dream come true.