Facial rejuvenation treatments and products make many promises but what really does it really mean to rejuvenate your skin?
For some, a simple chemical peel or exfoliating microdermabrasion gives them enough of a glow and refreshed look to be happy. Others, with pigmentation issues or darker skin types that may not be as suitable for skin laser treatments, may want to try stronger peels like the Dermaceutic Spot Peel or the Revitalize Peel. However, other people have skin that has endured way too many days in the sun and if you add years of smoking to that, we are going to need to turn to more drastic measures.
The one thing to note is that as cosmetic technology advances, it is becoming easier to get a decent amount of skin rejuvenation with very little social downtime.
Lets quickly run through some options. For sunspots, broken capillaries and some collagen stimulation, a good solution is IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) otherwise known as photo rejuvenation. You are mostly evening your skin tone with this procedure but you will also see a slight plumping of your fine lines.
If your skin tone is fairly even but you are starting to see some noticeable ‘sagging’ then the Thermage CPT is probably the best choice for you.
Let’s say you have some acne scarring or deep wrinkles. Now we’re looking at a series of Halo Laser treatments.
What if you have wrinkles, ruddy texture and you feel you are getting ‘jowly’… then why not combine the Halo with the Thermage on the same day to get a super result?
The thing to remember about skin rejuvenation is that it takes time. The basic job of any laser is to create a form of damage in your skin which your own collagen will then rush to heal. It is in that healing process that the magic happens. (Results vary by individual patient and results cannot be guaranteed)
3-6 months is the time frame that most people will see their best results from any of the stronger treatments.
If you are going to splurge on a fabulous skin rejuvenation treatment, remember to pick up some ‘top of the line’ Vitamin C serum, a good moisturizer and a retinol product. Of course, you can’t forget the sunblock…preventing future damage is one the best anti-aging bits of advice I can give you. Once you are healed from your treatment the best thing you can do is help maintain your results with excellent skin care.