C’mon guys! It’s too “old school” to think that only women should get cosmetic anti-aging treatments! Men are coming for neuromodulatorsa, fillers, lasers, skin tightening and yes, even fat reduction with CoolSculpting! Check out these cosmetic treatments for men that you don’t even know they are doing. Sure it’s always been easy for men to justify lasering their back hair and coming to Dr. Frame for private health consultations and hormone replacement therapy, but there is so much more here to help you feel better and you don’t need to tell a soul! Let’s run down the most popular cosmetic treatments for men.
This is often where you start especially if you have a heavy frown between your brows or prominent crow’s feet or forehead lines. This treatment is fast, uses tiny needles that you will hardly feel, takes about 15 minutes and takes about 10 years off!

Replacing lost volume is slightly different for men. Although the cheeks are a common place for all of us to lose fat as we age, Dr. Frame is very careful to restore just what is needed for a younger, more refreshed look and not enough to feminize the male face. Many male patients will also enhance their features by putting a small amount of filler in their chin or squaring the jawline.
Believe it or not, some guys will even get a very subtle lip enhancement to help create a larger “kissable surface.” Doubt you’ll ever consider that? Take a look at the lips of the sexiest male stars in the biz like Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt or Matt Damon. Those lips are a big part of why women find them irresistible!
Halo Laser
If you’ve suffered from teenage acne and still deal with the scars left behind, then think about joining the guys smoothing their skin with the Halo Laser. The unfortunate thing about acne scars is that they worsen as we age and lose even more elasticity and collagen, so get them dealt with as soon as possible. You’ll even lose some sun damage and fine lines in the process.
Sculptra and Radiesse
These are two excellent treatments for faces needing a good deal of volume replacement and don’t forget to consider filling your temples if they need it!
CoolSculpting Fat Reduction
If you are exercising your tush off and still staring at those love handles or pot belly, don’t get frustrated. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat freezing procedure that destroys small pockets of unwanted fat while you check your emails.
Thermage CPT
This non-surgical radio-frequency based skin tightener is a favourite of men as it only takes a few hours and it has no downtime. That means you could go right back to your life without anyone knowing you had something done. The results will appear over time.
Our clinic is not “frou-frou”, you will be comfortable here.
Make the call…you deserve it and you know you want to!