Non-Surgical Skin Treatments: Why do we want them?

What is the real reason someone finally decides to call a cosmetic clinic and set up an appointment for a non-surgical skin treatment?

For some, there is the issue of acne scarring and what it does to their self-esteem. No matter how much some acne sufferers achieve in life, their self-image is bruised when they look in the mirror and see the damage of teenage breakouts staring back at them. For others,  it could be a simple bump on the nose that has always bugged them or that wish for more luscious lips they weren’t born with, but they would love to have, even just once.

Maybe it’s a weak chin, cheeks that have dropped, or lines that have formed through aging, and they imagine themselves looking less tired if they could only soften them.

It all boils down to the same thing. They want to feel better about themselves.

Now, you could argue that statement by pointing out that it’s un-evolved or superficial to base one’s self-worth on looks. However, that isn’t the issue here. With the exception of a small group of the population who could probably use some psychological help in that area, most people just feel better knowing that they look the best they can for their age. They are usually very clear that their self-worth is based on much deeper parameters.


Are people who have skin treatments vain?

Does this make a person vain? Don’t kid yourself, we are all vain, in fact, one of the biggest signs of depression is someone NOT caring about the way they look. It’s normal to want to look your best and not something to be embarrassed about.

A good deal of our clients who had never before considered cosmetic enhancements come to us because younger people are biting at their heels for their jobs and they want to have a fighting chance. Right or wrong, this is how the world seems to be.

20 years ago we didn’t have the technology to make these improvements without surgery or major downtime but much has changed and now everyone has access to safe, non-surgical treatments to address what bothers them.

(Results vary by individual patient and  results cannot be guaranteed)


So why wouldn’t you have a skin treatment?

Well, the cost for one. Skin treatments that result in a major improvement don’t come cheaply. However, we notice that even the clients who need to save for a year to get a Fraxel laser, dermal filler or some Botox always find a way to come up with the money and are happy to spend it. Because they know how much better they will feel afterwards.

Are non-surgical skin treatments safe?

There are very few possible side effects with non-surgical skin treatments. All injectable treatments have a risk of leaving a bruise or some swelling but that is minor and usually subsides within a few days. Most non-ablative lasers and IPL’s (Intense Pulsed Light) will have you back to socializing in a week.

I have witnessed thousands of patients throughout the years returning for follow-ups after treatments, walking taller, smiling more and telling us how their friends and colleagues said they looked rested and fabulous but weren’t able to pinpoint why.

I see that little spark in them when they know they look better and that they put themselves first for a change and I am reminded that looking better is nice but feeling better is priceless!

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