Need an Uplift?

Need an uplift? The first time I saw this procedure I thought…really? This is going to do something?

Watching Dr Frame gently pull up loose skin at the side of our clients face and place a small amount of filler, then go a little further up, pull again and place more filler…right up to the temple along the hairline. It was like he was hiking up the whole area and taking it in place with bits of hyaluronic acid. It seemed a bit odd.

Once he finished one side, he handed the client a mirror and we were both amazed! The treated side looked much tighter and more lifted. She left here completely thrilled and then I thought sure, but how long could it possibly last?

So it’s been 2 months and she came into the clinic today and she still looks incredible!

Why does this work?

The small amounts of strategically placed filler seem to provide a scaffolding that holds the lift that the doctor is creating. It subtly lifts the jawline and the mid-face area. Our client said the injections were very comfortable and we know that hyaluronic acid is safe and found in parts of our own body.

Word is out and now we’re all in line for this one.

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